This blog is to support the release and promote the conversation regarding the memoir release "Fatherhood at 19... No Tutorial Books" written by Curtis Witters. All content and material on this blog will be in efforts to strengthen and support the importance of Fatherhood.
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Monday, September 21, 2020
LVP Business Mentoring: Build with our young Kings.
Fatherhood at 19 NTB: Making the conversation bigger
The COnversation is Getting Bigger... build with me!
Shout to @coco.cocktailsandconvo for introducing me to the young Queen #Ashley who wanted a copy of the memoir and dived in soon as she got it! Conversation getting bigger! #Fatherhoodat19.NoTutorialbooks
available @barnesandnoble @amazonbookzone and #books #fatherhood #memoir #selfhelp #family #parenting #read #dad #children #fatherhoodat19notutorialbooks
Monday, September 14, 2020
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Behind the Scenes footage of the filming of the Documentary "BabyFriendly"
Monday, August 17, 2020
Daddy equals love
Good day world of Fathers, We hope this post finds all of us in great health both in the mind and body! I have a question for all my fellow Dads out there. Have you taking time to see, feel and know the value that you as a Dad add to the family equation? If you haven't, take a moment to do so. When we take a moment to examine the necessary contributions to the family, we will see the forever importance of Dad in the family equation. A Father provides Stability, comfort, protection, guidance, insight, jokes, order, structure, the horsey back rides and we are the guys who stand tall in awkward, scary moments in life. We are the 1st Date to our daughters, the 1st best friends to our sons and the "Get it done man" to our spouses. Brothers that equals a lot... I want you to think about the value you add to your family equation. When you capture the moment of blessings hold on to it. Then when you are absorbing that vibe, imagine for a short moment if you were to remove yourself from that equation. Right! The equation now becomes a problem to solve because the needed value is missing...Stay strong Fathers! #Fatherhoodat19...No Tutorial Books.
Monday, August 10, 2020
Around the clock...non stop
Power Am to all the Fathers in the world! We hope this blog post finds you in the best of physical, mental and spiritual health. When we clock into someones 9 to 5 we have a set schedule we will work or anticipate how many hours we will dedicate to that said job right? For all the 1st time Fathers...that clock is taking off the wall and turned in to mush lol. When fatherhood is now part of who you are so is the new clock that you are punching as "Daddy". From the bottles, pampers and late night tuck ins, to running up to a school or running late for a Doctors appointment, I just want to offer all the New Dads this perspective. Raising children is an around the clock job, no snooze button, your on emergency stand by and guess what? It very much comes with the territory of parenting. So if this was not something we have begun to absorb and digest as Fathers...then you better get a hardy glass of "Daddy Soda" cause this is now apart of the air we breathe. P.s. I personally love it! Stay focused Dads!